About Jenoptik UK
Jenoptik is a leading supplier of ANPR based solutions for the road safety, civil security and ITS markets.
Quality & environment

We are partners to our customers, providing high-quality solutions meeting demands. The high quality of our products and services, and the satisfaction of our customers are our ultimate objectives.
With our know-how and innovative products, we enable our customers to contribute to greater resource conservation and climate protection more efficiently and sustainably. We enable them to increase safety on roads and in public places, create resilient infrastructures and more sustainable cities by reducing accidents, pollution and noice emissions.
Not only in the UK is Jenoptik committed to minimising the impact of its operations on the environment and in particular to the prevention of pollution. We have developed our Quality & Environmental Management System (QEMS) over many years, and this sets out the framework for managing all our projects to achieve this goal. Learn more about Jenoptik's ESG targets.
Environmental management is an established part of our corporate and local activities. As a manufacturing company, we set our focus on efficient resource management to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to the best of our ability, use commodities and materials in a safe and careful manner and largely avoid producing hazardous waste.
As an enabler, we are constantly developing our products, technologies and services in the interests of our customers, employees, investors and partners. In doing so, Jenoptik UK comply with international standards in accordance with ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 14001 for environmental management and most recently, ISO 27001 for information security management, for which we are audited on an annual basis.
Certificates and documents of Jenoptik UK
Career opportunities
Starting work at Jenoptik
We set ourselves the highest technological standards, working in dynamic teams and providing excellent and innovative products.
Whether it be for training, employment, job placement or for a dissertation: You’ll find the right job with us.
More about us

Our locations in the UK
Ten Watchmoor Park, Riverside Way, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3YL, UK
Unit 5, Cumbernauld Business Park, Wardpark, Cumbernauld, Scotland, G67 3JZ, UK
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

“Traffic technology solutions to improve roads, journeys and communities”. This strap line captures what Jenoptik UK strives to achieve every day, in all aspects of our business. Covering our staff and local communities, customers and suppliers, or road users and community residents around the globe – our business revolves around making the world a safer and greener place.
Jenoptik’s solutions are used around the world to reduce the number of people killed or injured on the roads. Whether this is an average speed solution or a police ANPR security cordon, our technology improves safety wherever it is used.
Our technologies allow highways and streets to be less congested, reducing the time taken to travel whilst improving journeys for all road users.
ANPR technologies are used to monitor and manage vehicles as they use the road network, identifying polluting vehicles whilst encouraging driving behaviours that are better for the environment.
Jenoptik’s solutions encourage better driver behaviour, rather than simply catching motorists unaware.
Local communities
We actively support small local businesses operating near to our facilities, whilst contributing to fundraising activities for charities and youth groups.
Our success is largely based on our reputation and the strong relationships we form with our extensive customer base. Jenoptik’s clients understand our objectives and where possible, we will share and align our responsibilities with them.
Long term, mutually beneficial relationships are vital to our supply chain, with shared respect and a fair approach expected in every business relationship.
From city centres to multi-lane motorways, national parks to highway construction sites, Jenoptik’s solutions keep millions of people safe every single day.
Government procurement
Public sector procurement fast-tracked and simplified through the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) available procurement frameworks.
As a leading provider of traffic management solutions to the UK public sector, Jenoptik UK has been awarded a place on all 7 Lots of the CCS Transport Technology and Associated Services (TTAS) (RM6099) framework:
- Lot 1 – Transport Professional Services
- Lot 2 – Transport Pedestrian Control
- Lot 3 – Transport Signage and Lighting
- Lot 4 – Transport Data Services
- Lot 5 – Sustainable Transport Technologies
- Lot 6 – Major Transport Solutions
- Lot 7 – Catalogue (Provides ability for authorities to directly purchase all of Jenoptik’s products and services)
This means that any public sector body can now rapidly procure products and services to implement improvements on highway routes and networks, without the high costs and time constraints of the OJEU procurement route. Jenoptik offer a comprehensive one-stop service, including design, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and support on our solutions from a simple journey time monitoring scheme, bus lane enforcement camera installation or a full SPECS average speed enforcement solution across a wide network. Jenoptik offer exclusive price reductions through the TTAS framework which, in combination with the huge saving in procurement costs, make our solutions better value than ever.
CCS is a public sector organisation working on behalf of the public sector to save money for the public sector and the taxpayer. CCS operates a number of aggregated commercial framework agreements to provide significant savings for the taxpayer, helping to protect the delivery of front line services. These frameworks are available for use by any public sector organisation – including the third sector – covering a wide range of goods, services and support. All public sector organisations can access these frameworks for free.
The frameworks provide access to a list of pre-qualified suppliers, appointed through a rigorous tender process, with the following benefits to public sector organisations:
- Pre-competed: ensures competitive rates and best value
- Simple to register – approved within 24hrs
- Lot 7 Catalogue: possibility for instantaneous ordering of products and services.
- Tendering process takes as little as 2-4 weeks (reduced from 6-9 months for OJEU)
- No requirement for a standstill period
- Procurement costs reduced by tens of thousands compared to OJEU
- No full tenders to assess – appoint suppliers through direct commission via online catalogue or through mini-competition
- There is no limit to the value of projects that can be procured through the frameworks
- Lowest pricing achieved through leveraging the purchasing power of the entire public sector
- Continuous improvement, delivery excellence and best practice are built in to the framework management systems
In line with the mandatory requirements of TTAS, Jenoptik holds the Cyber Essentials accreditation.
Jenoptik UK has long been a market leader in the design, delivery and support of highly successful road safety management schemes.
This innovation has been recognised with eight prestigious road safety awards, including a number of Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards, as well as CIHT Road Safety and Highways Excellence Awards.
Our goal is to continually develop our solutions to help our customers exceed their casualty reduction targets; this is reflected in a typical 50% FSC (fatal or serious collisions) reduction, where a Jenoptik designed scheme forms part of a casualty reduction project.
Jenoptik UK has received a number of awards, including:
- CIHT Road Safety Award 2015
- Highways Excellence Road Safety Award 2016
- Prince Michael International Road Safety Award 2016
- Rail Media ‘Most Interesting’ Awards 2015
To deliver our specialist equipment and services, Jenoptik UK has built up a wealth of experience, supported by membership of a number of trade and professional organisations. This ensures that our working procedures meet industry best practice, whilst adapting to meet evolving market requirements.
Jenoptik UK are currently a member of the following UK trade and professional organisations:
ADS is the premier trade organisation for all companies operating in the UK Aerospace, Defence, Security, and Space industries.
ARTSM is an informed and influential force in the field of Highways and Transport. The association seeks to benefit it’s members through its representative role, aiming to influence technological developments and improve standards in traffic engineering and operations.
The British Parking Association (BPA) are the largest professional association in Europe representing organisations in the Parking and Traffic Management industry.
The International Parking Community (IPC) is a progressive DVLA Accredited Trade Association (ATA) representing parking operators from both the public and private sectors. The IPC is a trade association, and lobby group, for industry professionals.
ITS UK, the UK association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), is a not for profit public/private section association and provides a forum for all organisations concerned with ITS.
The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) is an All-Party Parlimentary Group and a registered charity. Its aim is to advise and inform members of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords on air, rail, and road safety issues.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is a registered charity centred on saving lives and reducing injuries, with a vision to lead the way in accident prevention.
Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) is a London-based real-world connected environment for testing and developing future transport and mobility solutions.
The locations of the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford provide a complex uncontrolled testing environment, interacting with live traffic and other road users. The testbed is designed to demonstrate and evaluate the use, performance, environmental impact, safety and benefits of connected and automated mobility technology and future transport services.
London is the ultimate proving ground: its challenging layout and transport systems are representative of most features to be found in other towns and cities: if it works here, it will work anywhere.
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